Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Halloween Skirt
Ella and her beauty products
Carving Pumpkins for family night
Grandma Marion and PaPa Bill sent all the grandkids a pumpkin from Eagar. Grandma found someone comming this way. Such a sweetheart! Thanks grandma we had a ball carving them! One night we had all the pumpkins outside and smelled a skunk and when we noticed Ella's pumpkin, the smallest one, it was all scratched up. Then the night we carved pumkins we noticed Ella's was gone. Brent thinks the skunk got it. I don't know what happened. Everyone was very nice to Ella and let her help carve their pumpkins. So much fun! Thanks again Grandma Marion!
Trett and Wyatt's Birthday at the park
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wyatt turns 4
Grandma Cheryl and PaPa Jerold sent a gift but it is for both boys
(Trett is turning 6 next week) so we will wait for them to open it together this weekend. Also thanks Jackson's for the super cute song to him on your blog!
(Trett is turning 6 next week) so we will wait for them to open it together this weekend. Also thanks Jackson's for the super cute song to him on your blog!
Thanks everyone! We love you!
The day before Wyatt's fourth birthday I kept asking him if he was sure he wanted to turn four. The thought of not having a three year old boy at home broke my heart. He assured me he was going to turn four. So when the day arrived Brent called him a few times from work to wish him a happy birthday. Aunt Tonya even called and to both of them telling him happy birthday he replied, "It's not my birthday yet." I of course had to agree he wasn't officially four until later that afternoon. We made his birthday cake and then decided to go and get a movie to watch. I told him he could pick out any movie. What does he pick out? Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. What? We didn't even watch it yet because after we hit Block Buster we stopped at Wal Mart for a few things and I locked my keys in the car. Thanks to Aunt Anetta we finally got it unlocked and back home just in time to get kids and go to piano. He stayed behind to play football with the neighbor kids. Then we had at his request hot dogs, french fries and ketchup. Opened gifts and had cake. Then we were all off to mutual. When I ask him if he had a fun day he gets this HUGE smile and says YES! Wow these days are going too fast and pleasing these cuties isn't always going to be this easy. And yes after opening gifts he agreed it was his birthday. Thanks Wyatt for holding out for me.
Could it be Easter already? The other day I was out front working in the front yard. I had the garage door open and brought Wyatt and Ella's bikes up front to play while I worked. They grew tired of their bikes and decided to check out the garage. They came upon the Easter baskets and plastic eggs. They started by Wyatt hiding them and then they both would go and look for them. I found too cute because if your the one hiding them should you be the one going to look for them? Then that evening a neighbor girl saw what was going on and she brought over candy for them to put in the eggs. It has almost been a week now and this is what they have done for a good part of their day. Who would have guessed?
I Big Girl Mamma
Ella is now two and a half and is the baby of the family. She stays at home a lot and has a hard time not getting to go with the big kids. Her new thing she does now when she wants to go with the older kids she stands on her tip toes and stretches her arms in the sky and says, "I big girl mamma, I go?"
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wiltbanks at the fair

The kids were out of school for a four day weekend. We all went to the fair on Friday night. We also had two extra friends that came along. So if you are counting that is nine people seven under the age of twelve. I was a little nervous that someone would get lost. Before leaving a friend of mine said that a friend of hers had written thier cell phone number on the inside of her childs arm so if they got lost they could call for help. This year my plan of attack was rides first, animals then booths. Of course Weston and Ashtyn are off to the most dangerouse heart stopping rides. I was so nervous for them. They of course got back in line. Then it came time for me to put Ella on a ride. She got on this airplane ride with Wyatt. I couldn't even watch I had to turn my head. The ride went around then up and then around. Then I heard this uncontrollable laughter. So I peeked. She was having the time of her life. She was waving and smiling so big. SO CUTE to see her and Wyatt so happy. Trett had fun too he found a few rides that were not too young for him. At school his kindergarten teacher asked them to draw a picture of thier favorite thing at the fair and write about it. The first ride Trett rode on was the faris wheel and Brent always rides with them. This ride was the most favorite thing about the fair. So this is what he dre him and Brent on the ferris wheel. In case you don't read kindergarten this is what he wrote.
I rode with my dad.
The ferris wheel is big.
It was fun.
We also loved looking at the animals. I took Ella up to the turkeys and said Ella this is a turkey. As if I were introducing them she said, "Hi turkey!" Then as her, Trett and Wyatt were petting a big black cow on the nose it mooed. It scared them and once again started the uncontrollable laughter. I told them I think he was saying moooove not moo. Then we went and checked out all the kids art from school and loaded up on free candy and gifts from retailers advertising. All the time we also ate cotton candy and kettle corn. So fun to watch them having such a good time.
After publishing this post I realize you cannot see Trett's writting. It is on the page with the box up top with very light writting. The other words are for a different assignment. Sorry and sorry for a lot of info. I am trying to get it all down for myself too.
After publishing this post I realize you cannot see Trett's writting. It is on the page with the box up top with very light writting. The other words are for a different assignment. Sorry and sorry for a lot of info. I am trying to get it all down for myself too.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wyatt's Catapillar
Wyatt took this picture of a catapillar the kids found. We rarely see catapillars around here so when the kids saw it they thought it was posinous. Then loved it to death when I reasured them it would cause them no harm. I never see catapillars but the cotton fields have been filled with yellow butterflies. Butterflies are just everywhere. One day when we were driving Ashtyn yelled don't hit the butterflies. There is no way to avoid them. Anyways back to the catapillar after Wyatt took this picture he asked me if I would put it on the blog.
Football Game After Conference
After conference we needed some serious outside time. We love to play football just as much as we do basketball. Come to think of it we also play a lot of soccer. When I say we I mean the kids and Brent I am the picture taker. Now that the weather is cooler playing outside is GREAT! I love to watch the kids outside on the front lawn with neighborhood kids playing ball and having a good time.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I thought it might be fun to look back years from now and see what it looks like to see us all watching conference. The younger boys loved getting to have the conference packet to do and have mom sitting next to them the whole time. Wes got VERY creative with a rubberband. Ashtyn just snuggled on the couch. Brent also ate up snuggling time with the kids.
Yeah dad was home all day!
Joseph Kurt Palmer
Yeah I am so excited to announce that we have a new nephew! Joseph is a beautiful little cutie! He was born on Sunday, September 28th to Kurt and Diana. Grandma and Grandpa Wiltbank were very busy that day. It was the same day Wes recieved the priesthood. After we got home from church little Joe joined the family.
He is so cute!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bottling Pears
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