Poor little Wylie. He got really sick the night before we went home. Thank you Aunt Tonya and Uncle Bill for all the LOVE and help.
We had decided to head home early because Wyatt and Ella were not feeling well. Our family,
Brent's sisters,
their families and Grandpa and Grandma wanted to get a live tree for Christmas. Since some of us were heading home we decided to look in Alpine. At a spot we had gotten a tree with everyone last time we got together for Thanksgiving. When we got there there was snow! My kids rarely see snow and we were excited! With Wyatt being so sick I just let him sleep in the back of the suburban. He woke up and came outside for just a short while. Then sat in the suburban and dozed off and on. I tried to get his picture but he kept telling me, "I don't want my picture taken. Then later on the next morning the other kids were talking about the tree. Wyatt said we didn't get a tree. We showed him the tree we got. He was so sick poor little guy!