Believe it or not but these little cuties have given me a run for my money. Keep in mind these little guys are together a lot and there is usually many more of them. And I am not new to having them together but today they thought they would give me all they had. Just for starters Ella and Clark were tired since this morning. They all have a ball together and play hard. Today they tried to play with ever toy and game we had in the house. Monopoly money mixed with Connect four pieces, poker chips, and plastic pirate money has been a favorite to distribute though out the house. Did I mention every toy out? I then went and checked on Ella and Clark to see them playing perfection, the game with lots of tiny little yellow pieces that you place in the correct shape before they pop up. Later I found these cute little pieces in
Ellas purse and in her toy basket and under her dresser. I had just finished cleaning off the back porch and suggested they ride their bikes. This was a big fight since Wyatt just learned to ride his bike and his balance wasn't very good he crashed a lot and it was everyone else fault. Since it was later in the after noon I thought perfect time for a movie just settle down and rest. I told them get a pillow and get comfy. I ran to throw a pile of stuff away outside came back probably two min later and every sheet and blanket was off of their beds and all over the living room. Lets talk toilets now. Most kids just play in the toilet water in the bowl not these kids they lift the tank and play with that. I go in to investigate and there is potty everywhere and one is in the shower "hiding from the other and they are both laughing half naked. By the way Wyatt got mad at Clark earlier in the day because he
pottied on him. I then lectured them on all going potty one at a time three boys at one time not a smart idea. Countless clothes have been changed... then as I peek outside to check on them I see Ella half naked out side and jumping on the trampoline and having the time of her life playing basketball with the boys. I yell at her to get her pants on... she yells back no I want you to do it. As I am heading out the door I run into Bishop who came to get some wood. I am hoping at this point Things are a bit normal as he enters the back yard. Normal that is if a little girl jumping on the trampoline with three boys and half naked is somewhat normal. Maybe I 'll have to make her an appointment with him. Then later Clark and Ella come to my bedroom door and Ella says mom I'm muddy... What?!? Mud?!? where in the world did the mud come from? Probably from potting once again in their pants and being in the dirt. Nope they found mud and their feet were covered up to their ankles and in my house. Wyatt called me from the bathroom sure I was being summons for a bum wiping nope he threw up. In the shower they played turn the water from warm to freezing cold which brought many reactions from laughing to crying. We ate pizza and as I was at the sink I turned on the water and a pan was tightly against the
squirter on the faucet. You know those moments when you know what to do but can't seem to do it fast enough. They even gurgled the milk at dinner oh so funny.... Soccer in the house then when I ask them to take it outside one of them says, as if I had said nothing, I need to get my shoes on so I can kick it. So since I
X'ed that they thought basket ball would be a better idea. I have explained that it is now bed time and they can watch a movie for a little while and I have already been in to change the movie, settle a few fight including a pillow fight and to see to cute bugs smiling at me on the floor with big wads of gum in those cute little smiles. Where that came from and where it will end up nobody knows. Oh and did I mention the fun idea of throwing a bag of marbles in the air just for fun? Gotta run I just heard the treadmill go on. And another little cutie just got here.
That is just a
few things that happened today.
Gotta love them.