Friday, August 27, 2010
Happy Birthday Lexi!
Lexi we hope your birthday is super fun! We love you and miss you. Gee look at me in this picture old and sagging you young and perky!:)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
First Day of School
Today was the first day of school. I think the summer flew by. Yes my sweet kids were ready to eat each other alive the last few days but I will miss having them here and the simple slow down of the summer. Now I get to live in the suburban. I laid awake all night not sure about my new situation. I only have one little cutie left at home. Some of the time she will be at preschool. I am a bit frightened of being alone. All this time I have loved to be surrounded by little ones. Helping with their needs and the snuggling. I know they are only gone for a little while each day But eventually they will be all grown up. I also worried a lot about Wyatt and if he will actually go to school and like it. Trett and his eye also kept me up a lot. Ashtyn and Weston making bigger decisions that are more important to their life. I know all will be well if I just trust in my Father in Heaven and continue to teach them (maybe up that a lot more). I guess I just need to figure out who I am and what it is I want to accomplish and what I want for my kids. I definitely want to be available to them.
Enough about me. A few cute things that happened. Yesterday Wyatt was a bit nervous about going to kindergarten. He wanted to know why he couldn't just stay home. I of course would love to have him here but knew he had a SUPER teacher and would have a great year. Then last night he said, "I just don't think I can do it." Trett and I reassured him things would be great and Trett promised him he would meet him at his door after school to help him find me. This morning Trett said he had butterflies and all agreed they did too. Except for Wes he had already left and was well....... doing fine. Ella was up and ready. She was so excited she could hardly stand it. She wanted something quick and fast done with her hair, "Just a quick pony, okay mom?" She walked with us into the school to take the kids to their room. Then she was upset when she had to go back home and wait for her school to start. She was so mad she stayed in the suburban for a while. Then she came in mad and said, "see I have nothing to do." (Hope she likes the rest of the week with JUST her mom) Then when it was finally time to go she ran out the front door yelling, "yeah its time to go!" Then at school she was a bit nervous. Then when I went to leave I said bye Ella and she quickly and very sure said BYE! Sometimes I wonder why Ella came last. She is so sure of things and always takes care of everyone. The more I think of it. She was probably in heaven making sure the other kids all made it off just right then she came. And I don't think that I would make it if I had one like Wyatt last. One that wanted to stay home. I need that push that only Ella can give.

Enough about me. A few cute things that happened. Yesterday Wyatt was a bit nervous about going to kindergarten. He wanted to know why he couldn't just stay home. I of course would love to have him here but knew he had a SUPER teacher and would have a great year. Then last night he said, "I just don't think I can do it." Trett and I reassured him things would be great and Trett promised him he would meet him at his door after school to help him find me. This morning Trett said he had butterflies and all agreed they did too. Except for Wes he had already left and was well....... doing fine. Ella was up and ready. She was so excited she could hardly stand it. She wanted something quick and fast done with her hair, "Just a quick pony, okay mom?" She walked with us into the school to take the kids to their room. Then she was upset when she had to go back home and wait for her school to start. She was so mad she stayed in the suburban for a while. Then she came in mad and said, "see I have nothing to do." (Hope she likes the rest of the week with JUST her mom) Then when it was finally time to go she ran out the front door yelling, "yeah its time to go!" Then at school she was a bit nervous. Then when I went to leave I said bye Ella and she quickly and very sure said BYE! Sometimes I wonder why Ella came last. She is so sure of things and always takes care of everyone. The more I think of it. She was probably in heaven making sure the other kids all made it off just right then she came. And I don't think that I would make it if I had one like Wyatt last. One that wanted to stay home. I need that push that only Ella can give.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
July 11th, Sunday night Wyatt started complaining about his stomach hurting. I had made corn muffins, Wyatt's favorite, and he had eaten a lot of them. I figured his tummy hurt because he had eaten too many. I told him to just lie down for a while. The next morning Wyatt was throwing up. I was sure he had a stomach bug. He only threw up that day. By Wednesday I had made a comment to Brent that it seemed a bit strange that no one else had gotten the bug. By now they all would be dropping like flies. Wyatt hadn't thrown up since Monday night but still complained that his tummy was hurting and he had a mild fever. I took him into the doctor that evening and he tested positive for strep. She checked his tummy and said it could be a fifty fifty chance he has appendicitis. She said we should send him over to do blood work and a CAT scan. I was a bit leery and asked how sure she was that was the problem. She said she wasn't positive and knew nothing unless we did the tests. Wyatt wasn't in a ton of pain so I decided to talk to Brent about it. She told me we could come back in the morning if things got worse. After all I didn't have a couple thousand dollars for blood work and a CAT scan just for fifty fifty chance. DON'T get me wrong I would do ANYTHING for my kids. Brent and I talked and even included Wyatt and we decided that since he had strep and that causes your tummy to hurt to wait it out a little longer. I called around and asked and read up on the Internet. I read that appendicitis is common in boys 10 and older and if they were having appendix problems you would know. You would be in a LOT of pain to the point of not wanting to walk. Later we got worried because he wasn't getting any better just a low fever and he was still complaining of his tummy hurting. Then I started to wonder if the antibiotics caused his tummy to hurt. Nothing bad just said his tummy was hurting. He went down the street to play, ate, went swimming and played with the kids. Brent called our Doctor whom we know well and we went to his house and he checked out Wyatt there. Wyatt jumped super high for the doctor. The doctor pushed on his tummy and he did not show any big sign of pain. We took him home. Brent and Brother Mark Claridge gave him a blessing. Then Wyatt started to tell me it hurt to go to the bathroom. AH HA! I thought he has a urinary tract infection. Our Dr was kind enough to meet us at the clinic Sunday morning and ran a test. It was negative. He said the best thing to do was to go to the hospital and get blood work done. Sure enough his white blood cell counts were very high (18). We then checked into the ER and did a CAT scan. While we waited for the CAT scan results one doctor looked at him then another came in and pushed on Wyatt's tummy hard and looked deep into his eyes. He said either he is very heroic or he doesn't have appendicitis. Wyatt then complained that he just wanted to go home and have a bowl of cereal. Then the doctor looking at him said see if he had appendicitis he shouldn't be hungry. Sure enough the CAT scan came back with a massive rupture of the appendix. The only surgeon that works at the hospital was on vacation. We were on our way to Tucson by ambulance. Brent called his sister Anetta and asked her if she would get the kids and give some to Diana and take some. I told Brent to ask her husband Than to come and give Wyatt a blessing. He came and quick. Than asked Brent why we were going to Tucson couldn't they do the procedure here. Brent explained The Doctor was on vacation. Than said no he isn't he was just at church, they are in the same ward. Brent asked if Anetta would call the surgeons wife and see if he wouldn't come in. The nurses and Doctors in the ER said to us good luck and thought for sure there was no way he was coming in. She did and before we knew it he was in the ER ready to go! Before I knew it he was in having his appendix out. The surgeons nurse said that they couldn't go lyproscopic because he had a cyst growing into his intestines (That was why it hurt to go potty) and there was so much puss. They did about a six inch cut and the nurse said when they opened him up it all just popped out. They think his appendix burst that Monday and he had been walking around with it burst for about a week!!! I am so grateful that he is still here with us. He is such a sweetie! I thought for sure he was my more sensitive one. Only a few days before this all happened he was complaining of hang nail that was bleeding. Probably because of the blood. Now I live in more of a panic mode. Wyatt is thriving and doing great. A few days after being released from the hospital he went to see the Doctor for a check up. When the doctor was done examining him he said Wyatt looks good. Then Wyatt stood up on the top of bed and jumped off. The doctor turned around and saw what happened and then replied I guess he is doing excellent!
Doing his breathing treatments. He was very congested. They were concerned and didn't want it to turn into pneumonia.
Wyatt loved this part, ridding in the wheel chair. We had to get another CAT scan done. His white blood cell counts went up later that week and we needed to check him out. Seeing how he masks pain so well we wouldn't know if he was really hurting or not.
This is Wyatt's day nurse Joy and his CNA JT. He had a lot of good nurses and CNA's. I like him having a guy for a CNA. he was fun for Wyatt.
The day he came home. After being in sick, sick (appendix burst and strep on top of that) for a week. then recovery for another week in the hospital. Then more recovery at home I am just so grateful for so many blessing we were blessed with. Love ya Wyatt you're the BEST!
Also thanks mom and dad for coming and helping with the kiddos! Also thanks to all the family and friends that called and helped out LOVE YA TOO!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Caught Red Handed
After dinner tonight Brent looked at me and said with excitement, "hey do you remember that Rocky Road ice cream we bought a few weeks ago?" I had forgotten but was certain that if there was ice cream in the freezer the kids would have eaten it all by now. They have those super sonic eyes and noses that know where and how to sniff out any and all treats then devour it all. Brent was sure there was Rocky Road ice cream in the freezer. I asked him if he had hid it deep in the freezer and he said no so I wasn't going to get my hopes up of it still being there. Besides how would we eat it without everyone knowing. Next thing I knew Brent shot me THE look he had found it!! We discussed quickly and quietly how to go about having some all to ourselves. We started out the front door and quickly we decided to hit the ground low and behind the tall flowers furthest from the house. We got settled and started to enjoy the Rocky Road ice cream then we heard the front door squeek open and heard a small voice, "mom???" We ducked down low and held very still (yes those night games of when we were young have paid off) He never found us. We were thrilled that we had gotten away with it!! No one found us! We visited for a few moments (heard every word without interruptions), laughed and dreamily looked into each others eyes. Yes there was even a stolen kiss or two. We were lost in the moment. Then it happened. Someone was instantly there! Brent was quick to hide the carton of ice cream and we were able to divert his attention back into the house with instruction not to tell anyone where we were. Knowing all to well before we knew it they were all inside the house in the boys room peeking out the window pointing, giggling and knocking. We were caught. Luckily no one likes Rocky Road.
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