Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Morning

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Christmas Program

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Just sure he sees Santa. He kept saying we need to get to bed so Santa can come!

Christmas PJ's

Looking for Santa
Decorating Cookies
Sleeping under the tree

Shooting Skeet

Brent invited the bishopric and their families to go skeet shooting. We had a lot of fun! I could not hit a target to save my life!!! That was until I imagined the target was a few things I had been loving to take a shot at and low and behold I hit it!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ella's Preschool Christmas Program

Ella and Clark had thier Christmas preschool program. I love these program the kids are so adorable!
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Santa Clause

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Leaves are Fallng all Around

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Getting the Christmas Tree

A favorite tradition is going and getting our Christmas tree. The kids always have a great time in the snow and hiking around in the mountains looking for the perfect tree. Grandma always bring hot cocoa for the kids. This year it I think Frosty the Snowman was the star of the show.
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Thanksgiving Dinner

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For Thanks giving dinner we ate at Grandpa and Grandma Witbank's house. Check out that turkey! Really it turned out yummy and we had a good Thanksgiving!

Snow durning Thanksgiving!!!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I LOVE all of the cute stuff these kids make at school. SUPER CUTE!

Ella's fieldtrip

Ella's preschool class went to the U of A Agricultural Farm. They got to go on a walk through the corn maze. Clark is also in Ella's class.
Grinding corn
A hay ride through the cotton fields
Picking all the cotton she could ever want. So much FUN! I got to go with her an really enjoyed spending time with her!

Trett's eye surgery

Trett's eye doctor called and told us the hospital had gotten a new camera that would take pictures of the back of the eye. He wanted to get Trett in and take a look at his blind eye. We are glad we got him in. The doctor was sure that Trett had F.E.V.R. so he went ahead and lasered his good eye so no growth would grow into it and soon make him completely blind. He said that with being able to look closer at the blind eye he would say that he was blind in his eye for quite some time, possibly since birth.

Lexi came to visit

Lexi came to visit us for Trett's baptism. It was a lot of fun to get to see her!
Grandma Cheryl always makes a "comforter" for the kids when they are baptized. I love this one she did a great job! Thanks Grandma!

Weston's Hunt

Weston got his first buck this year! He got him out in the chili fields. We really have enjoyed all the yummy jerky. Way to go Weston!


This year for Halloween we had a basketball player, a fairy and Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. Yes two may look like repeats from last year. Trett is always something to do with sports and Ella she may have the same costume on but last year she was a butterfly and this year she is a fairy. Ashtyn went with a friend and Weston went as his self.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Trett's Baptism

Trett was baptized on November 6, 2010. The spirit was so strong during Trett's baptism. He cried through the whole thing. It was a very sweet baptism. Trett we are so happy for you!

Trett's Birthday

Trett got to go hunting with his dad and brother
His younger sister and brother gave him a few gifts and were so excited to to give them to him!
Trett loves cheese burgers! So for his birthday we went and got cheese burgers and took them to the park. When Trett was handed his "fries" this is what he got!
Do you want fries with that?! Love you Trett happy birthday!