Weston getting ready for his interview with the bishop
Well here I am 33 years old and I now have a 12 year old. Tweleve? Could it be? Yes I am now entering into this new chapter of life and very unsure of my surroundings. I do not have any babies in diapers. My son now holds the priesthood. Time is flying so quickly. This new territory I am entering is somewhat sad and yet very exciting!
I am so glad you have a blog. Even though we haven't lived there for so long I still feel connected with your family. I love to see them all grow. It is weird having a 12 year old hu? Seems like yesterday that we were sitting around pregnant together.
I am a mom of five beautiful children. I wish life could slow down so I could savor the moments more. I also have a super fun husband with quite the personality!
What a great picure!
I love watching the boys pass the sacrament...so special! Yeah for our Priesthood holders! I can't wait to have my little guys doing the same!
I am so glad you have a blog. Even though we haven't lived there for so long I still feel connected with your family. I love to see them all grow. It is weird having a 12 year old hu? Seems like yesterday that we were sitting around pregnant together.
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