Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trett rides to school

Some friends of ours ride their bikes to school with their dad. We live really far from school so riding your bike to school is out of the question. Then on my way back from dropping some of the older kids off at school I saw our friends and their dads ridding with their boys to school. Trett also hears about it from his friends and tells me wishes he could go some time. Before we knew it he was invited to come along. I drop him off at their house and he rides into town with the other kids and their dad. They also live out of town. The ride to school is about four miles. He loves it! And yes we did get him a helmet.
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1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Trett, what a handsome guy! Tall, dark and handsome. Three cheers for riding your bike to school.