Sunday, January 11, 2009

Temple in the Gila Valley

The building of the temple in our little valley is fast approaching. On the way to work Brent came up with an idea. He thought it would be nice if we took a picture as a family where the temple will be built. Then when it is built to go back and take more. We are really excited to have the temple built here. I think of all the neat experiences the kids will have. Having an opportunity to watch it being built is going to be wonderful. The primary kids are donating pennies to a large jar in primary. What a wonderful way for each child to feel like they have helped to build the temple. I know there will be many more ways we will be able to assist in having this beautiful Temple. We truly feel this is a wonderful blessing.



That is NEAT!! Your kids will always remember you being part of it! Your family is beautiful and Brent looks good in that suit...he is a natural;)

The Dutton's said...

Awesome idea Brent! Yes, it is wonderful to watch one go up! Love the "Stair Step" picture-enjoy being the second tallest while you can though Sash! I'm now the shortest! That's OK-one parent on each end! Love your family!